Monday, November 17, 2008
So Balls Out I Don't Even Know It
Okay so I have been doing all kinds of things for the past month or so, just not writing about it. I think it doesn't seem so awesome when you do it every day. It just doesn't seem strange to me to make everything from scratch anymore. Why not? I can do it better and cheaper than the prepackaged crap. So let me just outline a few of my more awesome moments since my last post and then I will make a commitment to post at least once a week.
First the lasagna. This had to be about a month ago. I wen to the store to get ingredients to make three lasagnas. I have everything I need except the cheese so I head to the dairy section. In these troubled economic times you may have noticed the subtle increase in the price of groceries, so I was looking at the mozzarella and ricotta with a wary eye and I noticed that whole milk was on sale a gallon for $2.50. So I just made my own cheese. I ended up with just over a pound and a half of mozzarella and almost two pounds of ricotta! For FIVE dollars!! Boom! Balls Out!!!
What else? Oh, this Saturday I woke up at about 4:45 (am) and couldn't fall back to sleep. Clearly the only logical thing to do was to wake up and make sticky buns! Luckily I had two pound of brioche dough sleeping peacefully in my fridge (thanks to artisan bread in 5 minutes a day, my new addiction). Three short hours later, my family wakes up to fresh buns, OJ, and coffee. They are so lucky sometimes I want to slap them!
One more thing. I think I mentioned how my lovely Mikee made fun of me for starting this little adventure earlier, but he has changed his tune (as predicted). His new stance is more like "you mean you could make cheddar and Gouda if you had a press? Well I could make that." He did. I am still waiting for ingredients and then we will start making some hard cheese. He's sweet to me, and he does listen when I talk. He also went out one evening "to run some errands" and came back with a kitchen scale, new baking sheets, cooling racks, a funnel set, measuring spoons, and a few other things I had been complaining about. Now that there are lovely baked goods and from scratch meals every day he just wants to make everything easier so the food keeps getting better.
So whats on the horizon? This week I will be experimenting with DIY frozen pizzas for quick mom-is-working-tonight dinners (per Grace's request). Also I really think I need to learn how to sew. This is getting ridiculous. If I am going to be a domestic (make fun of her behind her back kind of) goddess, I NEED to get down with some fabric crafts. I think I might steal my mom's sewing machine over thanksgiving weekend and then find someone (this means you Laura) to help me get started.
Okay Annie, it's your turn now. POST!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Not So Balls Out (Excuses, Excuses)
And the reason for this? We are going to Disneyland! And we have some house-sitters comming. God forbid they find out I am not a perfect housekeeper. Like it's a secret! So I am not balls out till we get back. But when I do get back I want to can tomatoes with you, Laura. And make a thousand quarts of applesauce. And start a sewing project. So see you all after we get back from the happiest place on earth!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Things could be going better...
When the pepper lady comes to the farmers market next weekend, she will be bringing me several pounds of red jalapenos. I can hear you all now: "WHAT?!?! You are going to do that again? That four-day disaster? Again? Are you CRAZY?" Well... yup. I am going to do it again. But I have learned some things! It will be better this time! For starters, I am going to use red jalapeno peppers (the pepper lady says they are a little sweeter and less hot, which may make them edible for us!). Next, I am going to remove the seeds and stems from a few of them. This should make them less potent. Finally, I am not going to can them. Why not? Since you only use one or two at a time and they are preserved through drying, canning seems redundant.
I made this the other night - it was pretty good. I would recommend a few changes to the recipe though. Even though the tart pan is cool and fun to use, I think the crust would be better as crackers and the filling as a spread. Don't get me wrong, the tart was really, really good - just a little too much filling to crust.
So I was going to do a blog entry on sourdough. Really, I was. Megan called the other day for sourdough info and I was all set to blog away. I made more bread yesterday and took pictures and everything. But then, last night, as I was loading the bread into the fridge for its overnight stay, I dropped the loaves on the floor. Yeah, they were covered in plastic, but they still got a little... well... flat. And that is how they looked when they came out of the oven. Flat. I am sure they still taste fine. Ah well. In any case, KAF just blogged about sourdough. Check it out. I am guessing they didn't drop their loaves. If they did, they didn't admit to it. :)
Managed to make cheese this morning while Ava slept. I used whole milk and lemon juice. When it was all done I added chives from my garden. I hope it is good - I need a very clear cut success.
Hope you are both getting sleep...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Make adobo sauce - check. (Even if I had to triple the recipe)
Process in hot water bath - check. (Mom was here so that actually went well)
Now, I just have to wait for the jars to pop. Waiting, waiting, waiting...
Then, I just might make this recipe for dinner.
After Aaron saw my meager four pints sitting on the counter, he asked if it was worth all the work. I don't know the answer to that yet... but I am sure that I will be able to tell you after I have cooked the first meal with my peppers.
As a side note, they would be prettier if they were red jalapenos.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
You aren't going to believe this...
I came inside and did what any self-respecting person would do. I googled "chipotle pepper picture." Yup. Definitely red. Interesting. So then I read a couple of articles that came up in my search. Cue ominous music now.
Turns out that chipotle peppers are made out of red jalapenos. Not green ones. Red ones at the start. I have been smoking, for 3 days, green jalapeno peppers. 3 days. My house smells, my hair smells, I scrubbed a filthy fishy smoker, and now I find out I AM NOT SMOKING THE RIGHT COLOR PEPPER?!??! Seriously? Seriously.
Apparently, I am making "jalapenos chicos" - smoked green jalapenos. Otherwise known as "stupid gringas." My recipe didn't say anything about red vs. green jalapenos - not one little peep about this whole color business. Evidently they assume you will know what color pepper to use. Ug.
So. Where do I go from here? I am going to take the peppers out of the smoker in an hour or so when the last of the wood chips is all smoked out. I will rotate them and stick them back in (I am invested now people). When they are done, sometime in 2025, I will make some adobo sauce and can them. Why not? Red, green, whatever. Those damn peppers are going to dry and I am going to eat them and I am going to like it.
So there.
Still Smokin'
So begins day 3 of the pepper smoking. They are starting to look drier, but still look quite a way from dried. So much for an 8-12 hour smoking process. At this point, I am thinking 8-12 days. But, I will not be discouraged. I have come too far to quit. Besides, my house already smells like a curious mix of smoke, peppers, and fish. Why stop now?
I will post some pictures later for pepper comparison. Just wanted you all to know that I hadn't burned the house down yet...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Peter Piper Picked A Peck...
10 lbs of jalapeno peppers to be exact. I'm smokin'! Well, the peppers are smoking. I am making (or attempting to make, depending on your confidence in my abilities) chipotle chillies in adobo sauce. After successfully completing that, I will be canning them.
Now, you are probably thinking that I am way to ambitious for my first canning project. 10 lbs of peppers, 12 hours of smoking, canning... but this is the Balls Out Domestic Club! There is no halfway here!
Yesterday I hauled myself down to the farmers market to purchase the peppers. I am sure the very nice lady at the veggie stand though I was crazy. But she took my eight dollars anyway. Then I drove to my parents house to pick up my Dad's smoker.
The article I read about making your own chipotle peppers said that you should have a new smoker devoted entirely to peppers. Riiight. Barring that, the smoker should be perfectly clean and free of all food particles. Seeing as how a new smoker is not quite in my budget at present, I elected to borrow my dad's well-loved smoker. I say well-loved because it seems rude to call your father's smoker, loaned to you free of charge, filthy. Filthy and used exclusively for fish. Yah, fish (we are Scandinavian after all).

So I spent most of yesterday scrubbing the smoker. It still smells faintly of smoked salmon and perch, but it is all I've got so we are going to try it anyway. I prepped my peppers (with rubber gloves on) and loaded the smoker. As of now, we are smoking away. In 8 to 12 hours, I should have chipotle peppers. Chipotle peppers that may or may not smell like fish. Wish me luck.

In other news, we spent the long weekend putting wood by for the winter. You can see the fruits of our labor below. I also made Dilly Bread with freshly dried dill seed from the garden. It was wonderful!

Today is baking day, as I have to be here all day for the peppers. I already have my sourdough starter on the counter and I will make buns during Ava's nap. I will keep you all posted on the pepper odyssey.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Nobody Blogs on a Holidy Weekend
So I might write out a little something this week and see what you two think. I would love to have a statement to have as a permanent part of our blog. Just what is so important about feeding and taking care of our families, and taking so much time and effort doing it. Let me know if you have any ideas.
Also Grace and I have a very busy week coming up. Kindergarten starts the week after the other grades, so she doesn't go back until the 8th. We are going to make a ton of lunchbox food and frozen dinners and snacks. We also have a ton of cleaning to do before we go on vacation so the house can be clean for the dog sitter. I think we will be playing an extended game of "Cinderella."
Friday, August 29, 2008
Yogurt (and yogurt byproducts)
I put a quart of milk in a pan and brought the temp up to 180 degrees over low heat. (I kept a thermometer in the whole time). Then I turned the heat off and let it cool to 110 degrees and stirred in 1/2 cup Nancy's yogurt, because it is the best kind. I was baking bread and cobbler and cookies this day so I just left the pot on the stove where it was warm all day long. If the temp went down to like 95 degrees or so I turned the heat back on low for a second. I just tried to keep the temp between 95 and 110. About 8 or 10 hours into this process a big layer of whey formed at the top. I get a little thrill any time whey separates, so this was fun. Some of the recipes mentioned this and some did not. The ones that did said to either pour it off, mix it in, or soak it up with paper towels. I like thick yogurt so I didn't want to mix it in. But I was feeling lazy, so I poured into some muslin and let it hang for about 20 minutes. The yogurt is thick and creamy and mild. Easy-peasy. You just have to hang out all day. We put honey and cinnamon on it and Grace said it was "scrumptious." Also I saved the whey and made pancakes with it.
And just in case you want it: Whey Pancakes (KAF!)
2 cups flour (white or whole wheat)
1-2 Tablespoons sugar, honey, or syrup
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups whey
2 eggs
2-4 Tablespoons oil
Mix dry stuff together. Mix wet stuff together. Mix those together until JUST combined. And cook 'em up. If ya'll have a sourdough pancake recipe I will die of delight. I love pancakes, but I LOVE sourdough pancakes.
Thursday, August 28, 2008

U-Pick Love

My Favorite Scones! (from Martha Stewart) I have been making these since college. Lets all pretend it hasn't been that long. Here's the recipe:
1&1/4 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
2&1/2 teaspoons baking powder
2&1/2 cups rolled oats (not quick oats)
1 cup dried cherries, blueberries, cranberries, one or all of these or something else
2&1/2 sticks chilled butter cut into 1/2 inch pieces
2/3 cup buttermilk
Combine all dry ingredients and chopped cherries, in the bowl of an electric mixer with the paddle attachment.
Add butter and mix on medium-low until it resembles coarse meal. Add buttermilk and mix until combined.
Turn out mixture onto a clean work surface. With hands quickly pat mixture into a 16 by 3&1/2 inch rectangle that is 1&1/2 inch high. Score the rectangle into ten triangles. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for about two hours.
Cut into triangles. Now you can either bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes until light and golden, or you can put into a plastic bag separated with waxed paper until you are ready to bake 'em. They keep at least a month, but they have never stayed in the freezer longer than that. Brush with cream and sprinkle with coarse sugar before you bake them if you have it on hand. They are good without it too. Also they like to have about two inches of room on the baking sheet.
These are so so so good and you can wake up, preheat the oven, put on a cup of coffee, take a shower and be done in time for Fresh Baked Scones!
Cooking School
Zana asked me to help her learn to cook some simple, tasty meals, and maybe some stuff that looks more impressive later on. The problem with Zana (forgive me, Zana, it's probably the only one) is that she does not like vegetables, she does not particularly like meat, she hates fish, and as far as I can tell she is not crazy about beans either. Or soup. As you can immagine, this makes meal planning difficult. Fortunately, I have a five year old so I have had practice with just this sort of food prefrence.
Last night we made cruncy chicken "toes" and cauliflower couscous. Zana did it. I just found stuff in my kitchen and showed her how to hold a knife. Here are the recipes
Crunchy Chicken "Toes" (from Rachael Ray)
1 cup corn flakes (I use honey corn flakes)
1 cup plain bread crumbs
1-2 Tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon allspice
3 Tablespoons olive oil
1 & 1/2 pounds chicken breast, cut into two inch strips
1/3 cup all purpose flour
2 beaten eggs
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Crunch up the corn flakes and then mix them with all ingredients up to the chicken in a bowl.
Put the flour in another bowl and the eggs in thier own bowl too.
Dredge chicken in 1) flour, 2) eggs, 3) crunchy corn flake mix. And then put them on an oiled or covered baking sheet.
Bake for about 15 minutes until crunhy, brown, and free of deadly salmonilla.
(Dip 'em in BBQ sauce if you like it)
Cauliflower Couscous (from my head)
A smallish head of cauliflower
2 or 3 cloves of garlic, minced
olive oil
onions if you like them.
A cup or two of dry couscous
Enough water or broth to cook it (follow box instructions).
Make the couscous and set it aside
Chop the cauliflower coarsly and then put it in a food processer. Pulse a few times until it is a little bigger than the size and consistency of couscous.
If you like onions chop em up and cook em in a pan with the olive oil. Honestly they are good carmelized, cooked soft and sweet, barely cooked. Whatever you like that day.
When the onions are about three minutes from perfect, put the cauliflower in the pan. And some salt. If you are not using the onions just put them in the hot pan. They cook really quick because they are so small. You want them to be soft but not mushy, and maybe a little brown. Use enough oil to coat them well.
After about two or three minutes add the garlic and cook another minute or so. Then add the couscous and mix it together well.
That it. Delicious. It's good with red pepper flakes too, if you like it spicy. Make sure you add enough salt. It makes a big diference.
Thats it. Zana did it all and she ate it all too. The chicken is especially good, she said. I love the cauliflower, but Zana thought is was just edible. Thats a big step up from eewwww, though. Which is where we started. Cheers!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Arrested Development...
First of all, this entire post should be prefaced with words like "theoretically," "probably," "should," "someone smarter than me says it will," "I understand that," and "might." You see, I am about to blog (somewhat definitively) about a subject with which I have very little practical experience. :) Awesome. Here goes.
Yes, you can freeze yeast bread dough. Cool temperatures slow the development of yeast and allow for a great state of suspended animation (or arrested development). The key is temperature. You want to suspend yeast growth - not kill the yeast - so ideally bread will be frozen at or above 20 degrees F - think home freezer, not a cryogenics lab.
Most recipes should do fine. King Arthur Flour advises against freezing doughs with a lot of ingredients like cheese, fruit, or veggies. According to KAF (people smarter than me) these doughs get watery when thawed. Doughs high in milk, eggs, or sugar (again, according to KAF) do okay in the freezer but should only be kept a few days in the fridge (more on fridge baking later). I also believe that doughs high in sugar, eggs, and/or milk will keep a shorter time in the freezer than straight yeast dough, but that is pretty anecdotal.
Okay. So, all that said, the question becomes "how do I do it?" The answer is a little murky. I have consulted with my two favorite sources, KAF and CI, and they disagree. Or rather, they have two different methods for two different types of breads. Confused yet? Awesome.
KAF method:
Mix. Rise. Deflate. Shape (place in loaf pan if it is loaf dough). Place pan inside ziplock baggie. Freeze for 24 hours. Remove from pan, wrap with plastic then aluminum foil. Return to freezer. When you want to bake it, let come to room temperature then rise for an hour (takes about 5 hours total). They say you can also thaw in the fridge overnight and then let it have its final rise in the morning.
That is probably the method to use for the whole wheat sandwich bread. It is also the method I would use for free-form loaves.
CI method:
In one of the best cookbooks around (The Best Make-Ahead Recipe), CI developed a few recipes for muffins, rolls and biscuits that could go straight from the freezer to the oven. Pretty slick for a desperate dinner. In order to accomplish this feat, they let the dough rise fully (complete its second rise) before freezing it. Muffins and biscuits aren't yeast doughs - they were shaped and frozen for a few hours, then bagged and returned to the freezer. The narrative doesn't mention any ingredient failures (e.g. can't freeze muffins that contain yogurt). Soooo... that is probably the method I would try for cornmeal yeast rolls and perhaps even the beautiful burger buns.
If I was going to go totally balls out on this one, I would make a batch of cornmeal yeast rolls and freeze some after shaping them but before allowing them to rise and also freeze some after the shaped rise to see what worked the best. But I think I will leave that for you to do!
More on refrigerating dough later - this post is too long as it is! I will leave you with one more paragraph though.
I was intrigued by the idea of make-ahead cooking shortly after Ava was born. So, I checked out a bunch of freezer cookbooks. Most of them talk about getting together with friends and cooking all of your meals for an entire month at once. Not quite what I was looking for. I wanted something that would allow me to put together a few dishes for nights where I was desperate and didn't want to cook. The best cookbook I found for make-ahead cooking was Cooks Illustrated "The Best Make-Ahead Recipe." My cousin Michelle, who is an amazing baker, seamstress, and cook says it is one of the best books she owns. Since I want to be her when I grow up, I will take her word for it. Check it out at your local library!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Buns and rolls...
Cornmeal Yeast Rolls are a tradition in my family. The recipe comes from my Aunt Ramona - one of the best cooks I ever met. No one is sure where she came by the recipe but it is pretty amazing. As Aunt Mona passed away a few years ago, making these rolls seems to keep her with us. Yes, it takes work, but you will be glad you made them!
1/3 C cornmeal
1/2 C sugar
1 tsp salt
1/2 C shortening
2 C milk
2 beaten eggs
1 pkg yeast
1/4 C lukewarm water
4 C flour
Cook cornmeal, salt, sugar, shortening and milk in a double boiler until thick. Cool to lukewarm. Add yeast dissolved in water. Add beaten eggs. Let rise 2 hours. Add flour - don't add too much! The more sticky the dough, the lighter the rolls. Let rise 1 hour. Punch down and make into rolls. Let rise 30 minutes before baking. Bake 15 minutes at 375 degrees.
I am telling you, those are awesome. My mom and I are in a magazine for those rolls. Seriously. :)
Okay, so I know that letting dough rise all day takes time and we are modern women. We have things to do! So perhaps you don't want to hang out in the kitchen making those rolls. Here is a very good, very tasty, fast bun recipe from my very good friends at King Arthur Flour. It is called Beautiful Burger Buns.
It is great - the cookbook version adds 1/2 tsp dried minced onion which I love. Again, don't use too much flour. Sticky dough = light bread.
I make the beautiful burger buns for our hamburger buns. Great for sandwiches too... and I am hoping they will be awesome with Meg's cheese! I bought cheese cloth today and will be trying to make Megan's cheese this week. I am going for it!
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Novice Cheese Maker
I have wanted to make cheese for years. I have sat in front of my TV watching boring documentaries on artisan cheese makers with my mouth agape and my heart in my throat. It is like magic. Some heat and some rennet . . . a curd forms! (how does that happen? It's so quick!). A culture, and the whole thing changes again. Magic!Poetry!
But I thought it was too hard or magical or large scale to do it in your kitchen. Then I started reading and it turns out all you need is a pot, a thermometer, and some cloth. You don't even need the rennet for the really simple ones. So here is a really simple cheese I have made in my kitchen. It is quick and easy and no one has died yet. Not even Grace and she is small and vulnerable to bacterial toxins.
Lemon cream cheese:
8 cups milk (whole milk is best, ultra-pasteurized won't work, non-homogenized is best if you can get it)
Juice of 2 lemons
Bring the milk to 180 degrees.
Add the lemon juice, turn off heat, stir a few times and then walk away and leave it alone for 15 minutes.
Strain it into cheese cloth or a linen or muslin cloth. And let hang for about an hour.
Turn it into a bowl. This is the whole original recipe, but I made some additions to the finished cheese that I think are lovely .
Add the following:
zest of 1 or 2 lemons
some maple syrup
a little salt
a big spoonful of plain yogurt
That is it! Try it! It is lovely on toast. When the curd separates it is the coolest thing in the world. It takes like four seconds. Magic. I can't wait to get my real cheese stuff and get started with mozzarella and the like. I can't wait to cut the curd and stretch it and drain it. And I will record the whole thing. I will suck up my pride and ask Mike to show me how to post photos and everything.
I feel the same way about beer and bread and pickled vegetables, but it turns out you can make those too! And yogurt! And it's not even hard.
The Goods

Confessions of a fearful foodie...
Ready for it? This is straight out of my nightmares (just ask my husband - he has to listen to me every night after we have company for dinner). I am afraid that I will make a beautiful dinner, give someone food poisoning, and they will die. Yes, I am afraid I will kill someone with a food-borne illness. E. Coli, Salmonella, Botulism.... etc. As a result, I own more food thermometers than anyone I know (yes, I use them. I told you before that I am a nerd). So things like canning and cheesemaking have always scared me.
Sourdough doesn't scare me... even though the starter is immortal and lives in my fridge. I figure it gets baked anyway, so anything bad will probably die in the oven. (Seriously, if your starter turns pink or starts smelling "off" you just need to toss it and start over...) But cheese and canning, well, I have fear. Stupid and groundless? Yes. Terrifying? Well, no. But it still scares me!
So Megan and Laura, I can't wait for you to can and make cheese and tell me all about it. I want step by step instructions. With pictures. Or at least the name of a good book with pictures and all that jazz. The fact that you two are medical professionals and will certainly recognize the early signs of a toxic illness is only a side benefit. Teach me!
PS - Here is a great recipe for homemade muesli. My husband, a professional eater, brought it back from New Zealand.
1 C honey
1/2 C brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla
1 C oil
Melt in a pan until even. Don't boil. Stir in the following:
6 C rolled oats
1 C oat bran
1 C coconut
1 C wheat germ
Cook in a low oven (250 degrees) for about 1 hour. I put it in a cookie sheet with a rim (officially known as a jellyroll pan) Stir every ten minutes. It will still be a little moist when you pull it out and will dry in the pan. You can add raisens, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, mixed fruit, etc.
If you are more in the mood for chewy granola bars - check out this link.
First of all. Annie kicks it and here is why: OMG I have made two fantastic loaves of sandwich bread with the recommended recipes, and I typically think of myself as a bread failure. Even Grace says it is good and I know she doesn't have the tact or manners to lie to me about it. I did ruin one loaf, but I dropped it so that doesn't really count as a baking failure. I made a whole wheat loaf that was very good and a honey oatmeal loaf that is almost the texture of wonder bread (except with white whole wheat flour and oatmeal so you don't have to worry about your bowels)! Best PB&J ever. I'm doin' it I am following Annie into baking all my family's bread. I get a good crusty loaf and I'm in business.
Second: I have acquired a free (FREE!), huge freezer. Laura! You want in on this action? It will be in my garage before the end of the week. I'm so excited.
Third: My cheese making stuff is on the way! Cheese! I have some good vinegar and lemon set stuff in my fridge, but I am super excited to play with rennet and cultures.
Fourth: I got the best cookbook at Powell's yesterday. It is called The Art of Simple Cooking by Alice Waters. Lovely. I can't wait to get started. I am teaching my friend, Zana, to cook and I think we will just try to plow through the book.
Also I am excited to out with Laura and I don't feel at all dorky about it. Well maybe a little, but only because who gets excited about canning? Hey! We should add some pictures!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Nerds Bake
My life as a nerd used to stunt my creative development as a cook. I was so dedicated to following the recipe that I never tried anything new. But then, I had a revelation. I discovered that nerds make great (and creative) cooks. How did I come to this stunning conclusion? I found two companies made up entirely of nerds. Nerds who are some of the best bakers and cooks in the world. Meet my friends at Cooks Illustrated and King Arthur Flour. As a side note, I don't actually know them, but I figure that I can call them friends if I heartily endorse them and pander shamelessly.
Let's talk about Cooks Illustrated first. You may have seen their editor, Christopher Kimball, on PBS. America's Test Kitchen? You know, the guy with the bow tie and apron? Anyway. These guys are great. They produce a terrific magazine that accepts NO advertising. If they tell you it is good, nobody is paying them to say it. Why I love them: They believe that cooking is a science that can be refined. Some recipes taste better than others, some ingredients work better than others, and when put in the right combination, you can achieve something pretty darn close to perfect. CI continually tests recipes, equipment, and ingredients to find the very best ones. The part that nerdy me loves - they tell you why they made the adjustments. Articles about how recipes are developed - not just the recipe. They rule.
King Arthur Flour produces some of the best flours around. They also have a cookbook that is one of the best out there - The King Arthur Flour Bakers Companion. Each section begins with in-depth info on why things work the way they do.
Okay, so you might not be a nerd. Why should you care about these two nerdy companies? If you skip all the info that they provide and just cook they way they tell you to cook (clear, direct instructions) you can't fail. You heard me. You can't fail. They are that good.
If you are a nerd like me, you might be wondering how these companies make you a more creative cook. Well, they experiment. And experimentation makes you better. Just remember that it is better to fail spectacularly than to skate along without trying. The dog will eat the failures.
If Megan and Laura let me stick around, I will be blogging about food. I bake all of our bread (buns, bagels, sourdough, baguettes, muffins, etc). I lean pretty heavily on CI and KAF... but there are lots of great cookbooks in the world (more on some of them later)! Once you get started baking, it is pretty hard to quit. I suppose you could say I am addicted. My name is Annie and I am a nerdy baker.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
And of course, it will be balls out, no holds barred, with aprons. (That we sewed). (Ourselves). (But not monogrammed because that's still too hard). (But maybe later).